© Diane Blondeau.

Collectif Jeux Sonores

On stage, a group of performers equipped with sounding objects engage in a series of sonic games. On the floor, a network of coloured lines frames their actions. The collective Jeux Sonores have been developing a series of sonic games since 2022, following three main guidelines.

First, they take the notion of a game seriously, by going beyond the tradition of verbal scores to conceive sets of rules that are associated with well-defined game goals and victory conditions.

Second, they try to find ways to put sounds at the heart of the mechanics of these games, whether to express a behaviour, signal an interaction, or navigate the game space.

Third, and finally, they aim at imagining ludo-musical situations that are stimulating for players and audience alike. Overall, their main design philosophy is always to trust the very nature of the game, and most notably its ability to create situations in which the regulated nature of the players’ behaviours can coexist with the unpredictability of the performed sonic gestures.

Comprar Bilhetes

09 NOV 2024
SÁB 15:00, 19:00

Sessões gratuitas para escolas*
SEX 15:00

Pavilhão gimnodesportivo da CGD
7 € (público geral, preço único)
5 € (menores de 18 anos)

Bilheteira da Culturgest


Institut FrançaisNovembre Numérique
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