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Agnieszka Polska

Agnieszka Polska

The Talking Car

Agnieszka Polska

The Talking Car

The work of Polish artist Agnieszka Polska, winner of Germany's Preis der Nationalgalerie (National Gallery Prize), feels like a hallucination. Reflecting on issues such as natural and human disasters, it offers immersive experiences that stimulate individual and social critical consciousness in the age of post-truth.

In The Talking Car, her debut directing for the stage, Polska brings together a cast of Portuguese, Polish, and North-American performers. A small group tries to get out of a speeding car, while a large-scale digital puppet keeps them company, singing and following their struggle with affectionate curiosity. On their way to an uncertain fate, the characters try out different roles, genders and emotional states. An insistent score and hypnotic animations add to the melancholic of this immersive tale of a complex system of human and non-human agency.

© Bruno Simão.
© Bruno Simão.
© Bruno Simão.
© Bruno Simão.
© Bruno Simão.

14 SEP 2023
THU 21:00

15 SEP 2023
FRI 21:00

Buy Tickets
Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
14€ (discounts)
Duration 1h15min

In English with subtitles in Portuguese.

Biography Agnieszka Polska

Agnieszka Polska was the 2017 winner of the National Gallery Prize in Berlin, Germany's most prestigious art prize, and represented Poland at the 57th Venice Biennale, curated by Christine Macel. The artist has held solo exhibitions at the Contemporary Art Centre Ujazdowski Castle, Warsaw, Nottingham Contemporary, Nottingham, Salzburger Kunstverein, Salzburg and Summerhall, Edinburgh, among others. 

Her dreamlike, immersive and visually powerful films explore questions of time and memory, drawing out and examining the intricate relationships between various processes of influence, legitimation or exclusion in the fields of language, science and history. These have been exhibited at Tate Modern, MoMA, New Museum, Hamburger Banhof, 19th Biennale of Sydney, Berliner Festpiele, International Documentary Film Festival, Copenhagen, Institute of Contemporary Arts / Lux Biennial of Moving Image, London, Athens Biennale, BoCA, among others.

Commission and Production of BoCA - Biennial of Contemporary Arts



Rádio Futura

Text and direction

Agnieszka Polska

Translation to Portuguese

Joana Frazão


Albano Jerónimo, Iris Cayatte, Vera Mantero, Bartosz Bielenia, Aaron Ronelle

Voice over

Jamina Polak

Dramaturgy support

Olga Drygas


Igor Klaczynski

Light design

Rui Monteiro

Video and sound

André Teixeira

Digital puppet animation

Jeremy Coubrough

Stage videos animation

Ewa Polska

Head of production

Hugo Alves Caroça

Commission and production



deSingel, Kampnagel, Nowy Teatr

Artistic residency

Goethe Institut

Presentation partner

Culturgest, Teatro das Figuras

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