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Gesture and the Oceanic Interval: Theatre and Photography in the Wakes of History
Gesture and the Oceanic Interval: Theatre and Photography in the Wakes of History
Gestures open intervals. They are essentially relational, and even antiphonal, composed in potentialities for call and response. So, too, photographs open intervals in time, dragging one time into another time by means of an image. If photographs, like theatre, can be considered gestural, what kinds of response-abilities across time do they body forth? How can we think about performance and photography as "in the wake" of history, and particularly the wake of slavery's capitalism? To explore these questions, Schneider will look at the work of artists who engage the returns of history by means of mixing the media of theatrical performance and photographic image.
20 SEP 2022
TUE 18:30–20:30
Free entry*
*when ticket is picked up 30 mins before the start of the session.
In english
Rebecca Schneider Biography
Rebecca Schneider is Professor in the Department of Modern Culture and Media at Brown University. Awarded a Guggenheim Fellowship in 2021, she is the author of The Explicit Body in Performance (1997); Performing Remains: Art and War in Times of Theatrical Reproduction (2011); Theatre and History (2014); and Remain (with Jussi Parikka 2018). A student of Black Feminist Thought and invested in speculative and fabulous acts for the (re)surgence of otherwise worlds, she recently published “This Shoal Which is Not One: Island Studies, Performance Studies, and Africans Who Fly” (2020) and the award-winning essay “That the Past May Yet Have Another Future: Gesture in Times of Hand Up” (2018). She has published extensively on media and performance, and serves as a consortium editor for TDR: The Drama Review. She is currently working on two projects: a digital book on gesture across media to be titled Standing Still Moving, and a book on littoral dance in the afterlives of slavery’s capitalism to be titled Shoaling in the Sea of History.
Gesture and the Oceanic Interval: Theatre and Photography in the Wakes of History is the conference opening session of the project PERPHOTO - Performing The Gaze of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Lisboa ( ) which will take place between the 20th and 23rd September 2022, at FLUL, among other institutions.