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Back to maps: out from our hands, and back to the page

Back to maps: out from our hands, and back to the page

José António Bandeirinha, José Reis, Magda Henriques

Back to maps: out from our hands, and back to the page

José António Bandeirinha, José Reis, Magda Henriques

Curated by: José Reis e Liliana Coutinho

A place is founded on interrelationship, which can be of proximity – a place is always a community – or with other places. Interaction, proximity, and interrelationships are therefore structural elements, and you can hardly discuss place, area, and territory without referring to them. No territory is two-dimensional, nor of a single colour – maps certainly are not, but they were replaced by georeferencing systems. They became small cartographic clippings that cover but a few meters around us, and their centre is a device always in individual hands. They no longer represent the community, however small and minor it may be.

Oversimplification brought spatial injustice and territorial inequality. How can we go back to maps of places, and proximity and relationship? Where do we depict the outskirts to centres, and the centres of outskirts? Let us claim back a full map of our country.

© Vera Marmelo.

05 DEC 2023
TUE 18:30

Small Auditorium
Free admission*
Duration 2h

*with ticket pickup 30 min. before the session starts (subject to room capacity).

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