This is a past event.
AMPLA 2024
AMPLA 2024
AMPLA returns to Culturgest for its 3rd edition with a selection of films awarded in 2023 at the main national festivals, such as Curtas Vila do Conde, IndieLisboa, MOTELX, MONSTRA, Queer Lisboa, and among others. Is, therefore, an opportunity to see what is considered the best national and international cinema today, in a transversal program that brings together short and feature-length fiction, documentary, horror, and animation films, without overlooking sessions aimed at younger audiences (also open to schools) .
To be as inclusive as possible, all films are shown with descriptive subtitles, interpretation in Portuguese Sign Language, and Audio Description, inviting everyone to enjoy the sessions. There are also some relaxed sessions that take place in a more relaxed environment. Alongside, there will be a stop motion workshop and a debate on inclusion in the cinema.
- Quase me Lembro, by Dimitri Mihajlovic and Miguel Lima
2023 * Animation * Portugal * 9 min
- Mal Viver, by João Canijo
2023 * Fiction * France and Portugal * 128 min
-The Birthday Party, by Francesco Sossai
2023 * Fiction * Germany, France, Italy * 17 min
- Mate, by George-Alex Nagle
2021 * Fiction * Australia * 33 min
- Our Uniform, by Yegane Moghaddam
2023 * Anamation * Iran * 7 min
- Hotel Kalura, by Sophie Koko Gate
2022 * Animation * United Kingdom * 5 min *
- The Diamond, by Vedran Rupic
2022 * Fiction * Sweden * 14 min
- Dildotectónica, by Tomás Paula Marques
2023 * Fiction, Documentary * Portugal * 16 min
- Dog-Apartment, by Priit Tender
2022 * Animation * Estonia * 14 min
- The Veiled City, by Natalie Cubides-Brady
2022 * Documentary * United Kingdom * 13 min
2 MAR 6:00pm | SHORT + LONG
- Natureza Humana, by Mónica Lima
2023 * Fiction * Portugal, Germany * 25 min
- Paradise, by Alexander Abaturov
2022 * Documentary * France, Switzerland * 89 min
2 MAR - 9:00pm | HORROR
- Gangrena, by Gil-Toresano Fernández
2022 * Ficção * Espanha * 10 min
- Megalomaniac, by Karim Quelhaj
2022 * Fiction * Belgium, Norway * 118 min
SCHOOLS | 1 MAR - 10:30am e 14:30pm
FAMILYS | 3 MAR - 11:30am
- O Carrossel, by Augusto Schillaci
2022 * Animation * Argentina, USA, Canada * 9 min
- A Cooke's Adventure, by Jérémie Amicone, Alexis Bleusez, Iléana Borzan, Myriam Lecomte, Zoé Rivera, Margot Lemasçon, Camille Triponney RomainTersigni and Alexis Bleusez
2022 * Animation * France* 7 min
- Swing to the Moon, by Marie Bordessoule, Adriana Bouissie, Nadine de Boer, Elisa Drique, Chloé Lauzu, Vincent Levrero, Solenne Moreau
2022 * Animation * France* 7 min
- A Rainha das Raposas, by Marina Rosset
2022 * Animation * Switzerland* 9 min
- Moules-Frites, by Nicolas Hu
2021 * Animation * France* 26 min
3 MAR 3:00pm | SHORT+LONG
- Uma Rapariga Imaterial, by André Godinho
2022 * Fiction * Portugal * 42 min
- A Los Libros y a Las Mujeres Canto, by María Elorza
2022 * Documentary * Spain * 72 min
- Cerrar Los Ojos, by Victor Erice
2023 * Fiction * Spain, Argentina * 169 min.
1–3 MAR 2024
4€ (discounts available)
M/12 (with exceptions in the program)
2€ until the age of 18
Free for those accompanying people who are blind, have low vision or use wheelchairs.
Accessibility + info
Audio description
An additional commentary aimed at people with visual impairments (blind and low vision) referring to body language, expressions and movements. It is a resource used in television, film, theatre, dance, opera, music concerts, visual arts and museum visits of all kinds. It consists of a narrator who describes during the presentation or visit, during the natural pauses in the audio, what cannot be perceived through listening. Sometimes, when absolutely necessary, the audio describer speaks during dialogues.
Portuguese Sign Language (LGP)
The language through which a large part of the deaf community in Portugal (about 30,000 people) communicates. LGP is also used by the larger community – Deaf people’s relatives (the word capitalised refers to the person who speaks LGP), educators, teachers, technicians, among others. The expression "sign language" refers to the mother tongue of a community of Deaf people. Sign languages are natural languages, which arise and develop naturally, like spoken languages. This language is produced by movements of the hands, body and facial expressions and its reception is visual. It has its own vocabulary and grammar.
Relaxed sessions
Theatre, dance and cinema sessions or any other type of cultural offer that take place in a more relaxed and welcoming atmosphere and with more tolerant rules regarding movement and noise in the room. They can also involve small adjustments in a performance (lighting, sound, etc.) and in the reception of the public, to better adapt to their needs. They are aimed at all people and families who prefer or benefit from a more relaxed environment in a cultural space (for example, people with attention deficit, people with intellectual disabilities, people in the autism spectrum, people with sensory or communication disabilities). Relaxed sessions seek to reduce anxiety levels and make the experience more pleasant. They are a collaboration between theatres, artistic teams, parents, caregivers and companions, so that everyone can enjoy the same show.