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CHANGE - Economy and Climate Change


CHANGE - Economy and Climate Change


14:30 - 16:10
Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
Sofia Santos (Systemic), António Sarmento (WavEC)
Moderator: Ana Pimentel (Journalist)

National and international institutions play a central role in combating climate change through policies and strategies. The challenges they face, however, hinder their role as catalysts for sustainability practices and for combating and adapting to climate change. Can a truly sustainable future be designed? What is the real role of institutions in the innovative impulse and their capacity to be engines of reform?

16:30 - 18:00
Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
Daniel O'Neil (Leeds University), Tiago Domingos (Instituto Superior Técnico)
Moderator: Carla Canivete (Bloomberg News)

Energy transition is one of the challenges of the global green ambition. Effective clean and renewable energy policies are urgently needed. But what economic challenges are involved in this new economic model? How to promote a sustainable future and address the challenges of profitability and opportunities for changing and exploring business models? It is this Energy – Economy – Climate trident that we aim to know better.

18:30 - 20:00
Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
Valerie Keller (co‐founder IMAGE)

Leadership has to do with the choices you make, the example you set and the ability to mobilise. Choices, sometimes difficult, that must consider the new contexts in which they are made, sometimes leading to structurally different directions. It is today’s leaders that have the responsibility to deliver value, in terms of sustainability and social impact. Future‐oriented leaders who question their mission, their belief systems and their legacy for generations to come. Leadership with a long‐term perspective, active in the construction of new, more sustainable models of capitalism. Leadership capable of making and implementing strategic decisions that encompass economic, cultural, social and environmental dimensions. Capable of stirring up the political and economic agenda, activating the energy of different actors for change. Leadership capable of discerning, presently, what must be urgently done for our collective future.

26 OCT 2022
WED 14:30–20:00

Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
Free upon booking

From now on the pre-registration for the Fidelidade Cycle at Culturgest is closed. You can get your free ticket in person at Culturgest, on each of the days of the event, from 9:00am to 6:30pm.

Biografias Conferências dia 26

Sofia Santos 

Sofia Santos é economista especializada em financiamento verde, climático e sustentável com 23 anos de experiência profissional. É fundadora da Systemic onde tem desenvolvido projetos na área da sustentabilidade para diversas empresas e instituições como o Crédito Agrícola, Embaixada Britânica em Lisboa, Companhia das Lezírias, CEiiA, entre outras. É também consultora do Green Climate Fund das Nações Unidas para África. É Presidente da Mesa da Assembleia Geral das Águas de Portugal, e membro do Comité de Investimento do Fundo para a Inovação Social.


António Sarmento

Doctorate degree in Mechanical Engineering at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) from the University of Lisbon. Retired (2013) Associate Professor at the Department of Mechanical Engineering of IST.

Founder and President of WavEC Offshore Renewables. Founder and member of the Board of OEE (Ocean Energy Europe, previously the European Association of Ocean Energy) until 2016. Associate Editor of JOWE (Journal of Ocean and Wind Energy). Active in the field of marine renewable energy for almost four decades with work on hydrodynamics, control, conceptual design, LCOE and public policies.


Ana Pimentel

Coordenadora Editorial Grupo Leya; Jornalista.


Daniel O'Neill

Associate Professor within the Sustainability Research Institute, and the President of the European Society for Ecological Economics. My research focuses on the relationships between resource use and human well-being, and the changes that would be needed to achieve a sustainable economy within planetary boundaries


Tiago Domingos

Professor do IST. Doutorado em Engenharia do Ambiente e investigador na área de economia ecológica. É ainda coautor do livro “Carbon Responsability and Embodied Emissions – Theory and Measurement”.


Carla Canivete

Repórter e jornalista de finanças, macroeconomia e inovação. É atualmente editora sénior da Bloomberg News.


Valerie Keller

Antes de fundar a rede Imagine, Valerie Keller fundou o Beacon Institute para redefinir os negócios do século 21 com executivos e empresários pioneiros do capitalismo consciente. Como Diretora Executiva de Mercados Globais da EY, projetou a ‘Transformação Orientada por Propósitos’ para ajudar as corporações a abandonarem o propósito de maximização de lucros a curto prazo e tornarem-se negócios responsáveis de múltiplas partes interessadas. Aconselhou comités do Congresso dos Estados Unidos e facilitou parcerias público-privadas entre empresas, agências governamentais e ONGs. No início da sua carreira, Valerie deixou o sector bancário para trabalhar na linha da frente da redução da pobreza no sul dos Estados Unidos. Neste contexto foi responsável por uma rede de abrigos, instalações de saúde e conjuntos habitacionais para pessoas sem abrigo. Fundou a Veritas e co-liderou duas coligações americanas que participaram na reforma habitacional. Na Saïd Business School - Universidade de Oxford, Valerie Keller projeta e dirige experiências de educação executiva.





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