This is a past event.

Maria Duarte, Sílvia Figueiredo and João Rodrigues

Maria Duarte, Sílvia Figueiredo and João Rodrigues

sim sim não não

Maria Duarte, Sílvia Figueiredo and João Rodrigues

sim sim não não

"The storyteller is both at the centre, intimate, and at a distance, on the horizon."

We could draw a line (a horizon), with the whole narrative converging on it or diverging from it, making it vibrate like a vocal cord, measuring the varying tensions between people. sim sim não não is like a suspended moment in the conversation between John Berger and Susan Sontag in their Channel Four programme Voices. There, they marked out the differences in their personal paths, here they overlap, as if we depended on a full view of the original thread, the line of the horizon, the human voice.

© Margarida Ribeiro.

11 APR 2018
WED 21:30

12 APR 2018
THU 21:30

13 APR 2018
FRI 21:30

14 APR 2018
SAT 21:30

15 APR 2018
SUN 17:00

Stage of Emílio Rui Vilar Auditorium
Duration 50 minutes

* Jovens até 30 anos e desempregados 5€ 

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