This is a past event.
Os Possessos
Os Possessos
Manifestos para Depois do Fim do Mundo takes inspiration from the curatorial work of Hans Ulrich Obrist. Seven actors perform manifestos written during the new millennium. The show takes place along different spaces in and outside the main building. Favouring intimacy, each manifesto is performed for a limited audience at a time, when tradition would have it read in loud tones from a platform. The show was born from a desire to spread considerate words that speak of our times. Some hopeful, some denouncing, they are words from the world, and from everyday life.
27 JUN
– 2 JUL 2023
Free admission*
Duration 40min
*with ticket pick-up from 6.30pm (max. 2 p/person).
Sessions for 6 people per group, starting every 20 minutes: 7:00pm, 7:20pm, 7:40pm, 8:00pm, 8:20pm, 8:40pm, 9:00pm, 9:20pm, 9:40pm, 10:00pm.
Meeting point: Foyer entrance
Co-funded by the Creative Europe Programme of the European Union, following ACT - Art, Climate, Transition project

Text selection and creation
Isabel Costa
Dramaturgy support
Daniel Gamito Marques
Beatriz Brás, Catarina Rôlo Salgueiro, Dori Nigro, João Pedro Mamede, Leonor Buescu, Mia Tomé e Rafaela Jacinto
Joana Subtil com Vera Salminen
Diana dos Santos
Leonor Fonseca
Leonardo Garibaldi
CM Lisboa e Polo Cultural Gaivotas | Boavista