This is a past event.


Território #3


Território #3

Curated by: David Revés

Profaning bodies, profaning Time, profaning History. Appropriating the title of the book by the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben, Profanações aims to critically evaluate the rationalist ideals of Progress and its machinery of kinetic mobilization under which Western societies have been driven. By affirming profanation as a speculative gesture that enables the creation of new horizons of thinking and world-making, this exhibition will bring together works of distinct natures and origins, proposing several ways of pressing History and its normalizing expectations, as well as seeking to exalt all the materialities —forgotten, present and future — that exist within it.

We will thus walk through aesthetic territories that lie between transcendent and the telluric ambiances, calling upon productions coming from religion, witchcraft, sexuality, and divination, among others, asserting themselves as ways of counteracting devices of control, rigidification, and prediction of experience. In all this, a latent idea: the one that considers Matter and Earth — and all their rhythms, passions, and tumults — as agential, radical, and absolute forces.

© Vera Marmelo.

29 MAY
– 1 SEP 2023

Fidelidade Arte Lisboa
Free admission

Fidelidade Arte Lisboa
OPENING (free entrance):
26 MAY, 10pm - 00am


The exhibition contains works with explicit sexual content, and in direct access to the public. Minors are not allowed, except if accompanied by parents and under their responsibility.

David Revés Biography

David Revés [1992, PT] is an independent curator, writer, and researcher based between Portugal and Sweden. He holds a Master's in Artistic Studies (Porto University) and a Post-graduation in Communication Sciences — Contemporary Cultures and New Technologies (NOVA University). He is the founder of METANOIA, a nomadic project that will develop a program of exhibitions, seminars, and periodical publications around extinction crises, and speculative languages, from 2024 on. As a curator, he has developed exhibition projects for several institutions, such as Alfaia, Loulé; Museu Municipal de Faro; DIDAC Foundation and Igrexa da Universidade, both in Santiago de Compostela; Casa da História Judaica, Elvas; and Galeria Uma Lulik__, Appleton, Fundação Leal Rios, Rua das Gaivotas 6, Fundação Arpad Szenes — Vieira da Silva, Galeria Liminare, Carpintarias de São Lázaro, or Casa do Capitão, all in Lisbon. He was chief curator and programmer at Galeria Painel, Porto, curator in residence at DIDAC Foundation, Santiago de Compostela, ES, and part of the curatorial team of CINENOVA — Interuniversity Film Festival. As a researcher/critic, he has worked with some Portuguese key institutions such as the National Museum Soares dos Reis, BoCA — Biennial of Contemporary Arts, Serralves Museum of Contemporary Art, Centro de Arte Oliva, as well as with Centre d'art contemporain (cac) - Meymac, France. In 2022, he organized the residency project “Towards the Planetary” at Alfaia Association, Loulé, providing an encounter between artists, artisans, curators, and other authors under the theme of nature, culture, technology, and the Planetary. David regularly develops a critical and essayistic activity with which he collaborates for specialized magazines, artist books, scholarly editions, talks, and seminars. His texts have been published in DARDOmagazine [Spain], Floating Projects [China], ExibartMagazine [Italy], SUMAC Space [Middle East], and BoCA blog [Portugal]. He is a regular contributor to Contemporânea magazine [Portugal] since 2015. 


Fidelidade Arte
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